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It can be very easy to get behind in your payments in this day and age. Credit card companies offer enticing introductory rates only to increase them shortly after you’ve signed on; colleges and universities constantly raise the price of tuition which leads to massive amounts of student loans; medical costs can reach exorbitant heights; high paying jobs can be difficult to find and to keep. If you have more bills than you can handle, then it may be time to start looking for help. Debt agencies serve to consolidate the money you owe into easy, monthly payments which will ...Read More It can be very easy to get behind in your payments in this day and age. Credit card companies offer enticing introductory rates only to increase them shortly after you’ve signed on; colleges and universities constantly raise the price of tuition which leads to massive amounts of student loans; medical costs can reach exorbitant heights; high paying jobs can be difficult to find and to keep. If you have more bills than you can handle, then it may be time to start looking for help. Debt agencies serve to consolidate the money you owe into easy, monthly payments which will help you regain control of your finances. In some cases, these firms may even be able to negotiate with your creditors on your behalf in order to settle on a reduced balance. Show Less
1 Corporate Drive, #104
in Bohemia
66 Powerhouse Road, #402
in Roslyn Heights
425 Broadhollow Road, #115
in Melville
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