Nassau Private Schools

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Nassau Private Schools

17 Oct, 2013 3:42 a.m.

I am looking for some help in reference to private schools in Nassau County, Long Island. We are relocating to LI and our son will soon be at school age. I know that Nassau has great schools district but we are also considering a private school setting. Can anyone help me recommending private schools in Nassau?
I have looked for information and reviews on the private schools but have being unsuccessful in finding one. :(
Thanks for the help.

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Post: 58
Location: Commack, 11725

Re:Nassau Private Schools

17 Oct, 2013 3:17 p.m.

Hello Patricia,

Thank you for checking out - we're happy to help you find a good school for the little ones!

Here are a few we'd recommend checking out:

I hope this information helps - best of luck!

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