Protest & Rally NYC September 20, 2014 City Hall
Protest & Rally NYC September 20, 2014 City Hall
08 Sep, 2014 9:30 a.m.
UNITE and make a lot of noise together - If there are enough people there, they won't be able to ignore this - Do you have any MEDIA connections? Let them know - Post, tell a friend, submit to any calendar of events you are on or know about - SHARE? Protest & Rally to End Killing of Pets by NYC ACC September 20 NOON - 3PM - FOR more INFO - Kay Riviello at kay@radicalphotos - or call (845) 856-7366 - http://www.scribd.com/doc/237352156/Protest-to-End-the-Killing-of-Cats-Dogs-in-NYC-September-20-2014-City-Hall-Noon-3pm
Re:Protest & Rally NYC September 20, 2014 City Hall
08 Sep, 2014 9:31 a.m.
Re:Protest & Rally NYC September 20, 2014 City Hall
09 Sep, 2014 12:28 p.m.
Sounds like a great cause!
Re:Protest & Rally NYC September 20, 2014 City Hall
15 Sep, 2014 2:22 p.m.
More information on the event post -
Protest & Rally End the Killing of Cats & Dogs in NYC -INFO- Kay Riviello - kay@radicalphotos.com- http://www.longisland.com/news/09-05-14/protest-pet-killing-nyc.html
Protest & Rally End the Killing of Cats & Dogs in NYC -INFO- Kay Riviello - kay@radicalphotos.com- http://www.longisland.com/news/09-05-14/protest-pet-killing-nyc.html