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What to do ?
What to do ?
18 Aug, 2014 10:26 a.m.
I am currently the neighbor of a small construction job site. And while I can't comment on the quality of the work. The daily behavior of the workers was horrible. along with the foul language. dirty mess there was loud rage rock emanating all day long. The company was WATSON PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT . Should I complain Or bite my lip for good neighborly practice. This work crew would not be welcome in my home but yet I still have to endure them. how to be a good neighbor?
Re:What to do ?
18 Aug, 2014 11:09 a.m.
Have you discussed it with your neighbor at all? If this will be an ongoing project you may want to see if he or the workers' boss can get them to tone it down a bit.
Re:What to do ?
27 Aug, 2014 2:57 p.m.
Definitely bring it up to your neighbor. Tell them your observations about the workers and what bothers you about their behavior. They may be able to have a word with them to lessen the behavior in the future.