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Manhattan Must Sees
Manhattan Must Sees
25 Apr, 2012 4:55 p.m.
A friend of mine is visiting from Florida in June and I want to take him to all of the best places in Manhattan. Does anyone have restaurant suggestions or cool cafes or museums to take him to? MoMA is on the list and we're definitely going to hit up the Mermaid Parade and Governor's Ball.
Re:Manhattan Must Sees
13 Jul, 2013 7:54 a.m.
Without knowing what you and your friend like it's hard to say what are must sees. I try to stay away from the touristy places as much as possible (with the exception of the museums). I would definitely recommend going to the theater at least once though, because it is awesome. There are so many shows to choose from right now too.
Re:Manhattan Must Sees
13 Jul, 2013 12:45 p.m.
I would start with the arts scene. The Met, Broadway, maybe even the opera. That, and what kind of tourist goes to New York without seeing one of the sports teams play? The Yankees, the Jets, you have see something like that while in town.