What are your favorite things to do with your dog?

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What are your favorite things to do with your dog?

29 Aug, 2014 9:53 a.m.

Apparently National Dog Day was this week. My dachshund is pretty mellow and content to hang out around the house, but my lab loves playing fetch or tug of war.

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Re:What are your favorite things to do with your dog?

10 Sep, 2014 2:58 p.m.

When my dog was younger (he's an old boy now and not quite so active) I used to love going for long walks with him in the walking trails. Sometimes we'd come across water and he loves to swim so I'd throw a plastic water bottle for him to fetch and bring back to me. It's great because it floats and I didn't have to lug around extra dog toys.

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Re:What are your favorite things to do with your dog?

16 Sep, 2014 3:06 a.m.

Just have a walk to the woods and to the lake. One day just out of the blue she shows up with a mouse in her mouth
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