Montauk Music Festival

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Post: 123
Location: ----, NY

Montauk Music Festival

11 May, 2012 11:13 a.m.

Anyone planning on heading to the Montauk Music Festival next weekend?
It's free and there are over 100 artists playing... I'm so excited to check it out!

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Post: 28
Location: Kings Park, NY

Re:Montauk Music Festival

14 May, 2012 9:42 a.m.

Sounds pretty awesome. I love Montauk and new music so it's win all around.

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Post: 49
Location: ----

Re:Montauk Music Festival

14 May, 2012 2:24 p.m.

Very cool! Thanks for posting...looks like fun
Looking foward to checking this guy out ...
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