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Stuck in Traffic? Long Island roads...
Stuck in Traffic? Long Island roads...
22 Jun, 2012 9:12 p.m. I'm stuck in horrendous traffic during torrential downpours and thunderstorms today on the Southern State... uggh!
There has got to be a back road or cut through right? Yes, totally!... There was... and I got home SO much quicker...Phew! I love knowing the back roads and avoiding Friday rush hour traffic...especially in bad weather.
If you "don't know before you go" are tons of great hints and alternate roadways in this link... AND a link to a live/current map that shows you where the traffic is and which road not to take.
Check it out!
Be safe... and don't text and drive... :)
There has got to be a back road or cut through right? Yes, totally!... There was... and I got home SO much quicker...Phew! I love knowing the back roads and avoiding Friday rush hour traffic...especially in bad weather.
If you "don't know before you go" are tons of great hints and alternate roadways in this link... AND a link to a live/current map that shows you where the traffic is and which road not to take.
Check it out!
Be safe... and don't text and drive... :)