Does Your Family Emergency Action Plan include your pet?
Does Your Family Emergency Action Plan include your pet?
17 Jul, 2012 9:47 p.m.
If you had to evacuate your home, does your "GO KIT" include medications, food & other items for your pet? If you go to a shelter, can your pet go with you?
Re:Does Your Family Emergency Action Plan include your pet?
18 Jul, 2012 4:53 p.m.
Great advice. I would stay in my car if I had to :) My dog is my child.
Better to plan ahead just in case...I don't know of many shelters that accept animals, do you? Please recommend some on Long Island if so. Thank you!
Better to plan ahead just in case...I don't know of many shelters that accept animals, do you? Please recommend some on Long Island if so. Thank you!
Re:Does Your Family Emergency Action Plan include your pet?
15 Aug, 2012 1:11 p.m.
Nassau shelter does, I believe. Google it