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Where to Host a First Birthday Party
Where to Host a First Birthday Party
06 Mar, 2012 10:43 a.m.
Hi everyone - My son will be turning one in May and we'll be planning his birthday party towards the end of the month.
Anyone have any good ideas to where we can host one? I'm looking for a laid-back location where our guests can walk around and mingle while enjoying their surroundings. Nothing fancy - I was even thinking about having his party at a park - but not sold on the idea. May could go either way as far as weather is concerned.
Thanks for your input!
Anyone have any good ideas to where we can host one? I'm looking for a laid-back location where our guests can walk around and mingle while enjoying their surroundings. Nothing fancy - I was even thinking about having his party at a park - but not sold on the idea. May could go either way as far as weather is concerned.
Thanks for your input!
Re:Where to Host a First Birthday Party
06 Mar, 2012 3:39 p.m.
Hello -
Where on Long Island are you located? If you're looking for a park, make sure to check out our Parks Page - we have the features and amenities for parks all over Long Island you may be interested in, and you can check out which ones have picnicking areas.
If you let us know where on LI you're located, we can certainly help you find indoor party venues, as well as help you to refine the parks choices.
Where on Long Island are you located? If you're looking for a park, make sure to check out our Parks Page - we have the features and amenities for parks all over Long Island you may be interested in, and you can check out which ones have picnicking areas.
If you let us know where on LI you're located, we can certainly help you find indoor party venues, as well as help you to refine the parks choices.
Re:Where to Host a First Birthday Party
29 Jan, 2013 9:41 a.m.
My neighbor had her youngest first birthday at a place in Farmingdale called KZAM. It was a fairly big party and different then most 1st bday parties since it wasn't a catering hall. The older kids had alot of things to keep them entertained so they weren't bored and the adults had a chance to mingle. Overall a fun event.