Hidden (and visible) gems on the Island

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Hidden (and visible) gems on the Island

09 Aug, 2013 1:15 p.m.

This is such a great site, I'm glad I found it. Because let's face it - sometimes all you want out of a Sunday is to wake up late, eat some homemade pancakes, and veg around watching cartoons or Goonies on FX. This sounds great to my kids. Me too. Sometimes… Other times we just want to get out of the house, breathe the fresh air, explore something new about nature and then wait almost a year and blog about it.

So that's what my 4 kids (10, 7, 4 and 2) and I are doing - both for us and all of you - blogging about our adventures and experiences at amazing places like Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve and Morton National WIldlife Refuge out in Sag Harbor. That's just a few, we have many more and growing. Give us a read and follow our site to learn about places within a short drive that you never knew existed! Enjoy your quests :-)



Mia, Alana, Sofia, Brandon and daddy...

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Post: 58
Location: Commack, 11725

Re:Hidden (and visible) gems on the Island

15 Aug, 2013 5 p.m.

Thanks for sharing! If you want to share any photos or stories about your adventures, please feel free to email us at news@longisland.com for more info!

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