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Car Shows in the Summer
Car Shows in the Summer
27 Feb, 2014 11:19 p.m.
When thinking about things to do on LI in the Spring/Summertime, don't forget about car shows! They're every where! One of the biggest one's on the island take place at the Bellmore train station every Friday night during the late spring/summer season. I live in Suffolk County and my favorite weekly car show is in West Islip located within the Bob's clothing store parking lot on Sunrise Highway and it's every Saturday night during the late spring/summer season. For much more info about the Long Island car world visit
Re:Car Shows in the Summer
21 Apr, 2014 2:04 a.m.
There are as many different car shows for as many styles of cars all over Long Island, so buckle up, take a drive and come check out a few of these local hot spots.