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Wine Bars near Babylon Village?
Wine Bars near Babylon Village?
19 Apr, 2012 5:03 p.m.
So I am looking for a cool place to go near Babylon Village, maybe a wine bar with tapas?
I heard about this place
Does anyone know if it's any good?
I heard about this place
Does anyone know if it's any good?
Re:Wine Bars near Babylon Village?
21 Apr, 2012 11:13 a.m.
If it tastes as good as it looks then that's going to become my new favorite eatery.
Re:Wine Bars near Babylon Village?
23 Apr, 2012 12:37 p.m.
I actually walked right passed Barrique on Saturday. It was packed! If that's any judge I'd say it's worth stopping in to.
Re:Wine Bars near Babylon Village?
24 Apr, 2012 12:13 p.m.
I am looking forward to checking it out this weekend!...A few of my friends said it was great too.
I also heard about this place in Bayshore opening up a new wine bar area. Last time I was there that area was an old bar with a pool table, but the photos of it now shows they put a lot of effort into fixing it up. It's right on the water and has an outdoor seating area too. I am looking forward to heading there this summer.
I also heard about this place in Bayshore opening up a new wine bar area. Last time I was there that area was an old bar with a pool table, but the photos of it now shows they put a lot of effort into fixing it up. It's right on the water and has an outdoor seating area too. I am looking forward to heading there this summer.