My mom wants to teach Chinese for free in her spare time.

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My mom wants to teach Chinese for free in her spare time.

09 Apr, 2014 8:53 p.m.

Hello everyone! My name is Frank and I am a high school student living in Old Westbury. My mother, Yannie, is coming from China to live with me and my brother for six months. She is a college professor teaching computer programming in China and she is willing to teach anyone Chinese language and culture for free in her spare time. My mom is one of the kindest person I know and she has a lot of patience and experience being a teacher. If you are willing to try we can make an appointment and then you can come over to our house. If you come in during meal times you can eat with us. My mom is an enthusiastic cook and she cooks healthy authentic Chinese food that is totally different from the greasy Americanized Chinese food you know.

My phone number: 7605081939 (since I am a student, please call me after 7pm during school days)
My email address:

All the best!
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