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That was a nice little "sweep."
That was a nice little "sweep."
23 Apr, 2012 9:52 a.m.
I guess it doesn't really count as a full sweep since game 3 was rained out, but watching the Yankees rain on Fenway's hundred anniversary parade was nice, and coming back from 9 down to win 15-9 was even better.
Re:That was a nice little "sweep."
23 Apr, 2012 2:06 p.m.
I actually missed the comeback; I had been watching the whole game until about the sixth inning when they were down 9-1 and I just gave up. Turned to the White Sox game to watch Philip Humber pitch the end of his perfect game (which was awesome) and that was it for me for the day. I didn't find out about the comeback until I was talking to my dad about Humber later that night.