The Riverhead Police Department wishes everyone a very safe "Happy New Year!" With that thought in mind, the Riverhead Police Department increased their Stop-DWI Patrol during this celebration of the New Year.
Beginning on New Year's Eve, 12/31/2024 at 2230 hours and ending at approximately 0500 hours, the Police Department assigned extra Officers to a directed enforcement specifically targeting operators in violation of DWI laws.
As a result of the Department's enforcement efforts, 2 subjects were arrested for DWI.
Alejandro Tomas Andres, DOB 07/07/73 of Segal Avenue, Riverhead, NY was arrested at approximately 1104 p.m. on 12/31/2024. Mr. Tomas Andres was transported to police headquarters where he was processed and held until his a.m.
arraignment. CC# RV24025067
Dystinee A. Henderson, DOB 12/21/200, of Segal Avenue, Riverhead, NY was arrested at approximately 1225 a.m. on 01/01/2025. Ms. Henderson was transported to police headquarters where she was processed and held until her a.m. arraignment. CC# RV25001004
The Riverhead Police Department will continue their high visibility Stop DWI enforcement throughout the New Year and will specifically increase their enforcement during busy travel times, such as the Holiday season, to coincide with the Department's effort to protect lives and prevent the consequences of impaired driving.