
Over $100 Million Awarded to Long Island as Part of Child Care Stabilization Grant Initiative

Written by Chris Boyle  |  04. January 2022

Governor Kathy Hochul has announced New York State's success in awarding $900 million in Child Care Stabilization Grants to child care programs statewide, including $118,922,360 to Long Island. 
The grants are part of a $2.3 billion package of investments in New York State's child care industry funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act and Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act. The Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) awarded funding to nearly 15,000 eligible child care providers over four months, from August through November.
"Child care is the backbone of our economy, and this transformative investment is critical to building our economic recovery," Governor Hochul said. "This funding is a lifeline to providers and helps ensure New Yorkers have access to quality child care across the state. I am proud of our success in getting these funds out the door to the essential workers who care for our youngest." 
The funds are being administered by OCFS to cover the costs of personnel, rent or mortgage, utilities, facility maintenance or improvements, personal protective equipment, supplies needed to respond to COVID-19, goods and services needed to maintain or resume child care services, mental health supports for children and employees, health and safety training for staff, and more.  
OCFS Commissioner Sheila J. Poole said, "I commend Governor Hochul for her commitment to investing in child care and supporting an industry that supports all other businesses. This is a long overdue recognition of the foundational role child care plays in our economy. I look forward to our continued efforts to reopen, rebuild and revitalize child care in New York State to support every working family who relies upon it."  
OCFS is grateful to its partners across New York State who assisted child care providers in applying for the grants, including OCFS-organized application assistance for providers statewide through Child Care Resource and Referral agencies, the Civil Service Employees Association, United Federation of Teachers, and Women's Housing and Economic Development Corporation. The Early Care and Learning Council was contracted to help coordinate this vital assistance statewide.  

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