53 LI Students Named Intel Semifinalists


One in six Intel semifinalists hail from Long Island this year.

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Long Island students again show off their prowess in the realm of science this year as 53 of the 300 Intel semifinalists hail from Long Island schools.

Students researched numerous wide-ranged projects, from studying and researching emotional face recognition to a tai chi pilot study to find out the effects of tai chi on one’s psychological well-being after a breast cancer diagnosis.

Unlike many of their competitors from across the country, many of these students were faced with the task of completing and submitting their projects just two weeks after Hurricane Sandy devastated much of the island.

Semifinalist Ariel Chapin was one of the many who experienced extreme flooding due to the storm.  The basement of her Atlantic Beach home was brimming with six feet of water.  Fortunately, Chapin was able to pull her research together and submit her research on the role that gender plays in spatial learning.

Each semifinalist receives a $1,000 award, and their school is also given $1,000.  Each student will also receive an all-expense-paid trip to Washington D.C. from March 7-13.

The 30 finalists will be announced in the coming weeks, and each will earn at least $7,500, and the top ten honorees will receive awards ranging from $20,000 to $100,000.

The Intel Science Talent Search began is the most prestigious science research competition for high school seniors, and puts their research in the spotlight for the nation’s scientists to review.

For the complete list of semifinalists and their research projects, you can view the PDF here.


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