
Dr. Simon Zyzman to Hold Speaking Engagement at Port Washington Bookstore on His Newly-Released Book, Successful Heroin and Opioid Addiction Treatment

Written by Chris Boyle  |  11. January 2019

Smithtown, NY - January 11, 2019 - Dr. Simon Zysman is many things- a licensed clinical psychologist, a successful pioneer in opioid addiction treatment, founder of Smithtown-based outpatient clinic Employee Assistance Resource Services, Inc. (EARS), and author of the newly-released book Successful Heroin and Opioid Addiction Treatment, which chronicles his extensive experience in successfully combating the opioid dependency epidemic that is currently ravaging our nation. 
In order to help promote Successful Heroin and Opioid Addiction Treatment and to get the word out about his groundbreaking therapy and it’s high degree of effectiveness, Dr. Zysman has been holding a series of speaking engagements. The latest event is scheduled for Saturday, January 19 at the Dolphin Bookstore in Port Washington, NY, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
As per Successful Heroin and Opioid Addiction Treatment, opioid addiction reduces the body's ability to generate dopamine, a vital neurotransmitter; the less dopamine your body generates, the more opioids you need to compensate for it. Dr. Zysman’s breakthrough treatment therapy allows the body to fill the void associated with dopamine deficiency – in conjunction with conventional spoken therapy techniques – until they are able to function as relatively normal, healthy, individuals once again.
At the January 19th Port Washington event, Dr. Zysman will be holding a presentation centered on his life-saving treatment, that currently boasts of one of the highest success rates in treating opioid addiction in New York State.
“I’ll be speaking about opioid addiction and treatment, as well as sharing some of the information that is available in the book that'll help people to develop a better understanding of the disease concept of opiate addiction and how to treat it, with the ultimate goal of saving lives,” he said. “That will be followed up by taking questions from members of the audience. Usually the question and answer sessions take up quite a bit of time...the last speaking engagement I did was supposed to be an hour, but it led to an hour and a half of questions. But there’s always some flexibility there, especially when it comes to a topic as important as this one. It's a very emotional and distressing subject for most people...they're still trying to get a grip on the problem, especially as it pertains to loved ones.”
Dr. Zysman’s appearance schedule to promote Successful Heroin and Opioid Addiction Treatment has included presentations at libraries and universities, as well as an upcoming interview on a cable television news show. He's also been approached by documentary filmmaker about potentially doing a film based on his work; this project is currently in the fundraising phase, Dr. Zysman said.
Dr. Zysman was also recently honored by his alma mater, Queens College, who requested a copy of Successful Heroin and Opioid Addiction Treatment for presentation in the esteemed Alumni Authors display in the campus’ Rosenthal Library.
Dolphin Bookstore already has copies of Successful Heroin and Opioid Addiction Treatment in stock, and Dr. Zysman noted that he would be bringing additional copies in case, due to the high demand. Sales of the book have remained consistently strong since it's a release – and reception by the medical community has been highly positive – proving that there is a very receptive audience out there looking for a real, practical, and ultimately effective solution to opioid addiction.
“The majority of the sales of my book are through Amazon.com as well as appearances I've made while promoting it,” Dr. Zysman said. “Both avenues have been very effective, and it's getting quite a bit of publicity. The momentum of the book has been continuing to build…it’s very helpful for professionals, for addicts, and for their families so that they can have a better understanding of the disease. My additional goal is to take away the stigma associated with opioid addiction. The ultimate goal, of course, is to save lives.”
Successful Heroin and Opioid Addiction Treatment is available for sale at the Dolphin Bookstore & Café, on Dr. Zysman’s personal website: simonzysman.com and via Amazon.com, in addition to being sold at his personal appearances.

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