States Where Credit Card Delinquency Rates Are Increasing the Most: Where Does NY Rank?
With the rate of credit card delinquency increasing in all 50 states over the past year, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its updated report on the States Where Credit Card Delinquency Is Increasing the Most, to identify where people’s credit scores are most in danger.
New York Stats
Overall Rank: 12th
Share of Average Number of Credit Card Tradelines Delinquent in Q3 2024: 21.45%
- Change in Average Number of Credit Card Tradelines Delinquent (Q3 2024 vs. Q3 2023): 39.10%
“Long-term credit card delinquency can lead to large drops in your credit score, so it’s imperative to get your account current as quickly as you can. The good news is that if you manage to get current before 30 days have passed, your delinquency will not be reported to the credit bureaus. If you’ve been delinquent for a significant period of time, there are other strategies you can pursue in order to get back on track, such as hardship programs, strategic budgeting, and consolidating debt.
“Credit card delinquency is increasing the most in Wyoming, as the state’s residents were delinquent on nearly 54% more credit cards in Q3 2024 than they were during Q3 2023. Wyoming residents’ trouble making credit card payments is exacerbated by the fact that they have very large credit card debts in general. High levels of debt coupled with high interest rates can easily lead to increased levels of delinquency.”
- Chip Lupo, WalletHub Analyst