Fire Island, NY - January 17, 2017 - The National Park Service has released a prospectus for a concession opportunity for Fire Island National Seashore at its Watch Hill and Sailors Haven locations.
The concession operation includes marinas, food and beverage service, and retail sales at Watch Hill and Sailors Haven, and campground services at Watch Hill. The Watch Hill Marina has 188 moorings; the marina at Sailors Haven has 44 moorings. The food and beverage service at Watch Hill includes indoor seating with potential for 100+ seats and space for outdoor service. Food and beverage is offered at Sailors Haven via window service. All concession services are open to the public.
The proposed Concession Contract will be for a term of ten years and is anticipated to begin in 2018.The current contract averaged just over $1 million gross receipts per year for 2013 through 2015, the last years for which complete data is available.
The Prospectus and any subsequent modifications (including responses to any questions received) is published on the NPS web site. The Prospectus includes additional information about the business opportunity, the evaluation questions, and instructions for submitting proposals. The NPS will accept proposals until April 25, 2017 at 4:00 PM eastern time.
The NPS held a site visit prior to the release of this prospectus but will not offer a site visit between the release of this prospectus and the date proposals are due because the waterways between Long Island and Fire Island are sometimes impassable during the winter months.
Watch Hill and Sailors Haven are located within Fire Island National Seashore approximately 6 miles across the bay from Patchogue and Sayville, NY, respectively. There are no paved roads on Fire Island connecting Watch Hill and Sailors Haven to each other. Watch Hill and Sailors Haven can be reached via ferry (Davis Park Ferry Company for Watch Hill; Sayville Ferry Company for Sailors Haven), private boat, water taxi or by walking from nearby communities on Fire Island. The mainland ferry terminals are accessible from the Long Island Railway as well as by car.
For more information about Fire Island National Seashore, visit the park’s website, or on Facebook and Twitter.