Albany, NY - January 26, 2017 - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the dates and locations for the upcoming public hearings to address the possibility of ending minimum wage tip credits in New York State, also known as the subminimum wage.
"New York continues to be a national leader in fighting for justice for working men and women, and by providing a platform for New Yorkers' concerns to be heard, we are furthering our efforts to deliver fair wages for all," Governor Cuomo said. "I am urging those impacted by this proposal to register, attend a hearing, and help us move this state one step closer toward a better, more just New York."
This proposal would not eliminate tipping, only the subminimum wage.
Hearings will be presided over by State Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon and will be focused on the scope of the problem, including the hardships created by tipping, reasons for and ramifications of eliminating the subminimum wage in impacted tipped occupations (i.e. car wash worker, beautician, waiter, bartender, dog groomer, tow truck driver, wedding planner, tour guide, etc.) and recommendations for the potential elimination timeline and complicating factors.
The hearings will be held at the following locations and times. Preregistration is necessary.
Monday, March 12, 2018 at 10 a.m.
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
The Gateway Center, Syracuse
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 10 a.m.
Common Council Chamber
City Hall, Buffalo
Friday, April 20, 2018 at 10 a.m.
Roosevelt Little Theatre
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 10 a.m.
Dulles State Office Building
317 Washington Street, Watertown
Friday, May 18, 2018 at 10 a.m.
Legislative Office Building, Albany
Week of June 18
New York City, Location TBD
Note: This hearing is for non-hospitality industries only.
Week of June 25
New York City, Location TBD
Note: This hearing is for hospitality industries only.
All hearings will be publicized in advance, with additional details available online:
"Most consumers, and even many workers, don't know that tipped employees in many occupations make only a subminimum wage and rely on tips to feed their families," said New York State Department of Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon. "Tipped workers have a higher rate of poverty and face drastic wage fluctuations based on tips. I encourage anyone who would be impacted by these hearings to submit testimony to ensure we have a complete picture of how eliminating this subminimum wage could impact workers and businesses."
If you plan to attend a hearing, you must preregister. Oral presentations may be strictly limited to 3 minutes each. Priority in seating and speaking will be given to those who preregister. Seating and speaking order, especially for those who have not preregistered, will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis and as determined by event staff.
You may register:
- Online:
- Email:
- Phone: 518-457-5519
- Fax: 518-485-1126
Mail: New York State Department of Labor
ATTN: Subminimum Wage Hearing
Building 12, Room 588
Harriman State Office Campus
Albany, NY 12240
Testimony and Comments:
All testimony must be received by July 1, 2018.
Speakers are asked (but not required) to prepare their testimony in writing. Digital versions of testimony and comments are preferred and should be emailed to
Testimony should include your name, organization (if any) and contact information. It should also include a short statement at the top summarizing your position. Attendees may be required to present photo ID at some locations prior to entering the hearing.
The hearing facilities meet the accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities. If you plan to attend the hearing and need reasonable accommodations, such as interpreters, assistive listening devices or large-print or Braille materials, please note this when preregistering as far in advance of the hearing as possible.
If you need translation services, please note which language when preregistering, as far in advance of the hearing as possible. A video of each hearing will be available online within three business days following its conclusion.
For more information, please visit: