Mangano Honors Officers For Saving Life Of Franklin Square Man
Nassau County, NY - January 27, 2016 - Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano and Acting Police Commissioner Thomas Krumpter recognized members of the Nassau County Police Department, including father and son Nassau County Police Officers, for helping save the life of a Franklin Square resident who had fallen in the frigid waters at the Bay Park Fishing Station. The gentleman was filling his docked duck hunting boat with gasoline after returning from a duck hunting trip when he slipped on the dock and fell into the water. The man was unable to pull himself out of the water as his waders were filled with water. He was in 10 feet of water for approximately 30 minutes. He tried numerous times to call for help using his cell phone and was finally able to reach his son who then called 911.
Nassau County Police Officers from the Aviation Unit and Fourth Precinct began searching for the Franklin Square resident. NCPD Police Communications Operator Supervisor Nancy Stanley utilized the 911 System to locate the gentleman’s cellular device with a one mile radius at the Bay Park Fishing Station. This information gave officers and aviation a smaller area to search. Fourth Precinct NCPD Police Officer James Sarnataro, Jr. arrived on scene and was able to rescue the aided and pull him out of the water. The gentleman was rendered aid at the scene by NCPD Police Officers and AMT’s. He was stabilized and transported to South Nassau Hospital. Assisting in the operation was the NCPD’s Aviation Bureau, which was piloted by Police Officer Justin Wocel and Officer Sarnataro’s father Aviation Bureau NCPD Police Officer James Sarnataro.
“I had the privilege of honoring four members of the Nassau County Police Department for assisting in saving the life of a Franklin Square resident that had fallen into 37 degree water,” said County Executive Mangano. “Working together, these officers and Communications Supervisor utilized department resources collaboratively to avert a tragic end. Moments like these give me great pride as County Executive. It is the men and women of the Nassau County Police Department that made Nassau one of the safest large suburban counties in America.”