Port Washington Water District Reminds & Encourages Residents & Business to Keep Hydrants Clear of Snow this Winter


Port Washington Water Districts is reminding local residents and business about the importancre of keeping fire hydrants clear of snow this winter.

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Port Washington, NY - January 28th, 2014 - With winter in full swing, it is a sure bet that Long Islanders will continue to see our share of snowfall this season. While many people are concerned with keeping the roadways clear and shoveling out their cars, we must not forget to keep local area fire hydrants clear from snow. 

The Port Washington Water District is asking local residents to keep an eye on any fire hydrants that may become buried in the wake of a plow. At times snow plows blanket many of the District’s 1,200 plus fire hydrants, making it nearly impossible to locate them quickly in emergency situations.

In the event of a fire, precious time is lost when firefighters have to locate and shovel out fire hydrants before hooking up to them. Port Washington Water District Commissioner Peter Meyer commented, “It’s important to keep the fire hydrant closest to your residence or business clear of snow with an approximate radius of three feet around each hydrant.  Consumers should also be extremely careful and aware of vehicle traffic when shoveling snow.”

Meteorologists from the weather service are warning us of additional snowstorms this season.  If you cannot move the snow away from a hydrant on your own, please contact Port Washington Water District at (516) 767-0171 and service crew will respond promptly to assist.

For more information about Port Washington Water District, contact Port Washington Water District Superintendent Italo Vacchio by phone, (516) 767-0171, visit the District’s office at 38 Sandy Hollow Road in Port Washington, NY 11050, or visit their website

