10th Annual Act of Kindness
January 29, 2015 - Port Jefferson, NY - Dancing, singing, instrument playing and more will be part of the line-up for the 10th Annual Port Jefferson Middle School Talent Show, scheduled for February 27th at 7 pm in the Port Jefferson High School auditorium. The show will benefit Friends of Karen, a Port Jefferson-based charity that assists families with a child with a life-threatening illness. The event is open to the community and features the many talents of its students. Tickets are $5 or $4 and one canned good at the door the evening of the event.
Coordinated by middle school teacher Allison Giannusa, a teacher at the school, the event has raised more than $12,000 to help Friends of Karen’s Family Support program.
“I am excited to once again be a part of this great venture that our students are involved in,” said Mrs. Giannusa. “In addition to the skills they acquire in learning to work together to put on a successful show, they are learning how their hard work will help benefit other children in our communities.”
For more information about Friends of Karen, call (631) 473-1768 or visit friendsofkaren.org