February 3, 2015 - Greenlawn, NY - The Little Cow Harbor ‘Run for HOPE’ is a 4 mile run through the lovely hamlet of Greenlawn. St. Hugh’s Project HOPE has teamed up with the Heagerty Family Foundation in organizing this event. The 4 Mile Run will begin at Oldfield Middle School at 9:00 AM. Walkers are also welcome. Prizes will be awarded to all the top finishers and all registered runners will be eligible for raffle prizes. In addition, a ½ mile Kid’s Fun Run, for kids 10 and under, will take place at 8:30 AM on the grounds of Oldfield Middle School. A FREE Pasta dinner will be provided for all pre-registered runners on Friday, February 27, 2015. This event typically attracts over 600 participants and volunteers from all over Long Island.
St. Hugh’s Project HOPE was founded in 2004 by the youth of St. Hugh’s parish in response to the needs of the hungry, homeless and unemployed in the Huntington area. This ministry involves hundreds of volunteers from local schools, youth groups, businesses and other faith communities that have come together to aid in the operation of a mobile soup kitchen, bi-monthly meals and food delivery to a local homeless shelter. 100% of the proceeds from this event will go directly to feed the hungry in and around the Huntington area.
Participants can register at www.active.com or day of event at Oldfield Middle School Gymnasium 7:00 -8:15 AM. Registration forms can also be printed from www.projecthopeny.org.
Participants are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to donate to the St. Hugh’s food pantry.