Mineola - February 6, 2017 - Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos has ordered an audit of the finances and operation of the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter. The audit was precipitated after receiving alarming complaints from residents of the Town of Hempstead as well as animal rights groups. These groups have alleged animal neglect, unnecessary deaths, unsanitary conditions, and unqualified staff. An entrance letter was sent to the Town of Hempstead on January 31, 2017 via certified mail advising that the Comptroller’s Office is commencing an audit of its animal shelter. The letter outlines the scope of the audit and asks for an entrance conference to be scheduled within two weeks.
“The alarming allegations brought to the attention of the Comptroller’s office, demanded immediate response to ensure that any animal neglect is prevented,” said Comptroller George Maragos. We hope that the Town of Hempstead will take all steps necessary to provide adequate animal care without delay to the satisfaction of local animal rights groups.”
The purpose of the audit entrance conference is to review the audit process with the Town of Hempstead officials, and to request the records to be furnished for review by the auditors as well as to schedule visits to the animal shelter.
“We have been alarmed for some time by the inhumane conditions and lack of care at the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter due to mismanagement, lack of funding and unqualified staff,” said Diane Madden from “Hope for Hempstead Shelter.” All of our efforts to reach out to the Town to help the neglected animals in their care have been refuted. We thank the Comptroller George Maragos for sharing our pain and immediately commencing the audit in order to bring to light the deplorable conditions at the Town of Hempstead Shelter with the hope that the animals will be adequately cared for.”