Weather Alert  

ELEVATED RISK FOR FIRE SPREAD THURSDAY The combination of low relative humidity values between 20 and 30 percent and wind gusts 20 to 25 mph will create an elevated risk for fire spread across the region on Thursday. Exercise caution handling any potential ignition sources, including machinery, cigarettes, and matches. Any fires that ignite will have the potential to spread quickly. This forecast considers meteorological, fuel, and land conditions and has been developed in coordination with state fire and land management officials.

Garden City's Cradle of Aviation Museum Announces Exciting Slate of Upcoming February Break Events

The Cradle's latest film, "Cities of the Future," premieres on Saturday, February 17th, aligning with National Engineering Week and the February school break.

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The Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, NY.

Garden City's Cradle of Aviation Museum, an aerospace museum dedicated to commemorating Long Island's vital part in the rich history of aviation, has announced an exciting upcoming slate of events that are scheduled to coincide with the February school break.

The Cradle of Aviation Museum staff are proud to introduce "Cities of the Future," their new film that premieres on Saturday, February 17th. They have curated this premiere alongside a new exhibit for 2024 and family activities to ensure that both kids and their parents will have plenty of fun and thought-provoking activities to engage in this month...and beyond!

Join the Cradle this February Break as they celebrate National Engineering Week!

Step into the future with the Cradle of Aviation's new family film "Cities of the Future," exploring sustainable smart cities. Next, dive deeper into innovations shaping tomorrow in their new exhibit "Engineering the Future." Plus, don't miss their hands-on activities and Family Movie Nights, all tied to the themes of the film and exhibition.

The Cradle of Aviation is excited to share their upcoming Events taking place just in time for February Break:

Cities of the Future Movie Premiere "Cities of the Future" takes viewers on a captivating journey into the possibilities of tomorrow's world, exploring visionary solutions to today's challenges. Narrated by John Krasinski, this inspiring film combines state-of-the-art CGI with live-action cinematography to offer a glimpse into a sustainable future. Separate admission is required.

Engineering the Future New Exhibit: Dive into "Engineering the Future," an interactive exhibit showcasing cutting-edge technologies shaping our lives and cities. From hyperloops to drones, this exhibit sparks curiosity and imagination, inspiring visitors to design their urban utopia. Free with museum admission

Family Activities: Engage in hands-on learning with daily activities designed to inspire the next generation of engineers. Create dehumidifying technology and construct molecules as you delve into the fascinating world of chemistry and engineering. Free with Museum admission

Arcade Age Exhibit

Learn the history, play the games! Over 70 playable classic arcade games for your retro gaming satisfaction. Open daily every day of break, 11 am - 4 pm. Separate admission is required.

Family Movie Nights: Gather the family for special screenings of "Lego Batman" and "Wall-E" in our theater, complete with fun activities and snacks for all ages to enjoy. Separate admission for these evening movie nights.

LEGO Batman Movie

WALLE Family Movie

February 80s Arcade and Karaoke Night Transport yourself back in time to the neon-filled era of the 80s with classic arcade games, karaoke, costume contests, and more. It's a night of nostalgia and fun for the whole family! Separate admission for this evening event.

Learn more: February Break 2024 Events and Activities