Montauk Friends of Erin 55th St. Patrick's Day Parade, March 26, Kicks Off Unofficial Start of Season; March 11-25 Are Lead-Up Events

The unofficial start of the season in Montauk comes on Sunday, March 26, with the Montauk Friends of Erin 55th St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

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Lead-up events run from March 11-25.

Photo by: Montauk Chamber of Commerce.

Montauk, NY - February 24, 2017 - The unofficial start of the season in Montauk comes on Sunday, March 26, with the Montauk Friends of Erin 55th St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Arrive at 10 a.m. when the Montauk Chamber starts ladling hot soup for sale in commemorative mugs. At 11:30 a.m. Eddie Ecker, Jr., the parade grand marshal, Montauk’s favorite son, retired East Hampton Town police chief and third generation grand marshal, kicks off the parade.

Young and old cheer-on the family-friendly floats. Kids have fun with green face-painting, grabbing foam shamrocks and shillelaghs, and collecting lucky beads and candy tossed from the floats of hometown businesses and fire trucks. Long Island bagpipe bands march in the parade which starts on Edgemere Street, to South Edison St and enters Main Street at the east end of town.

A variety of hot soups are donated by Montauk restaurants Tillie’s of Gurney’s Inn, Inlet Seafood, John’s Pancake House, Naturally Good, Shagwong and Pizza Village.

WLNG Radio broadcasts live from the parade and via a live stream here

These Montauk Friends of Erin events lead up to the big parade:

  • March 11, 5:30 – 8:30 pm: 14th Annual Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner at The Point Bar & Grill
  • March 24, noon – 3 p.m. – Behan’s Grand Marshal Luncheon Gurney’s Montauk. Introduction and roast of Grand Marshal and presentation of his parade sash, top hat and shillelagh.
  • March 25 4- 8 p.m.: Gala Cocktail Party at Gurney's Montauk. A buffet, open bar and live music and a Pot of Gold Raffle. It is one of the main events to fundraise for the Parade. For tickets and info, visit here

For updates on the parade, visit Facebook

Follow the Montauk Chamber on Twitter on parade day, as info and feeds are tweeted live from the parade route: here

Montauk Chamber of Commerce is a member business organization dedicated to providing community leadership for the development of and sustaining a sound economy, primarily through responsible tourism, for Montauk, NY. It provides leadership in the creation of constructive community action and a forum for the exchange of ideas and information for the betterment and care of the hamlet.