A mysterious little gray seal pup originally hailing from the Long Island Sound was discovered galumphing – the technical term for how seals move on land – down a street in New Haven, Connecticut, both underweight and dehydrated, with no explanation as to how he got there.
The infant seal - named "Chappy" following a poll, after Chapel Street, where he was found by local police during Valentine’s Day weekend - has been taken in by the Mystic Aquarium's Animal Rescue Clinic, where he is being cared for and rehabbed until he is healthy enough to be released back into the sea from where came.
Chappy was discovered to be "lethargic, dehydrated, and in thin condition, weighing only 28 pounds," which is well below the average healthy weight of a pup his age of approximately 35 pounds. Part of his treatment plan is fluid therapy "to provide him with nutrition so he can heal and grow," which includes a diet of diluted fish fluid formula.
"Mystic Aquarium is pleased to have rescued this misdirected young seal in need of help, and looks forward to hopefully returning the seal to the ocean in the months ahead," said Mystic Aquarium's Chief Zoological Officer, Dr. Allison Tuttte. "We are proud to provide marine mammal response, rescue, and rehabilitation for the state of Connecticut, and help marine animals in need."
To help raise funds for Chappy's care - rehabbing an individual seal pup can be quite costly, running an average of $10,000 - the Mystic Aquarium have commissioned the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum to create bobbleheads in his likeness, with ten percent of the proceeds of each one sold being donated to the Aquarium.
The bobbleheads, which can be pre-ordered here for $30 each plus an $8 flat rate shipping charge, are expected to ship in August 2025, are approximately 5 inches long, and are individually numbered.