Brain Injury Association of NYS, Athletic Trainers’ Association to Host Concussion Outreach Prevention & Education Seminar Mar. 3
The Brain Injury Association of New York State (BIANYS) and the New York State Athletic Trainers’ Association (NYSATA) will host a Concussion Outreach Prevention & Education (COPE) seminar on March 3 at 7:00pm. COPE provides valuable information for educators, nurses, coaches, athletic trainers, students, and parents/guardians on how to create a plan for a successful return of a concussed student back to youth sports and the classroom as well as many ways to prevent concussions.
Bryce Tolmie is a Hofstra Alumni, as well as an athletic trainer with the PAL Jr. Islanders Hockey team. He is also a concussion survivor. While playing lacrosse in high school, Bryce was struck in the head while picking up a loose ball. While he doesn’t remember the hit itself, he remembers being completely out of it with headaches, dizziness, and confusion. He was hospitalized due to going in and out of consciousness. While his CT scans were clear, Bryce was out of commission for three months and found school nearly impossible due to trying to focus.
“What students need to understand is that life is more than just the game. A concussion can be life changing if it isn’t dealt with properly and that isn’t worth a few more minutes of playing time,” said Bryce Tolmie. “It is so critical for student-athletes, coaches, teachers, and anyone around the players to be able to recognize the symptoms of a concussion so the injured athlete can get immediate treatment and avoid potentially catastrophic consequences.”
COPE is a program designed by NYSATA and BIANYS, two well-known and established statewide organizations with expertise in concussion. NYSATA and athletic trainers play a strong role in recognizing concussion, helping to manage recovery and eventual return to play. BIANYS helps victims of concussions and has a history of concussion education, including its Supporting Students Recovering from Concussion: Return to Learn program. To date, BIANYS has brought their Return to Learn training to over 150 schools and/or districts, educating over 2,100 school personnel.
For more information on COPE, the New York State Athletic Trainers’ Association, The Brain Injury Association of New York State, or to cover the event, please contact Susan Bardack at
NYSATA, founded in 1976 and incorporated in 1989, stands to advance the profession of athletic training for the purpose of enhancing the quality of healthcare for the physically active in New York State. Comprised of over 1,500 Certified Athletic Trainers, NYSATA ( is the statewide affiliate of the regional Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association (EATA) and District Two of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA).
The Brain Injury Association of New York State (BIANYS) is a statewide non-profit membership organization that advocates on behalf of people with brain injuries and their families. Established in 1982, BIANYS promotes prevention as well as provides education and community support services that lead to improved outcomes for children and adults with brain injuries.