Adventure Falls Log Flume Ride at Adventureland is No More
Fan favorite log flume ride, Adventure Falls, has been dismantled, according to the Adventureland social media page.
“Well, it’s true… the Log Flume is leaving the park,” said the Adventureland Long Island Facebook page post. “What is your favorite memory of this ride?!”
Long Islanders took to the page to talk about their memories of the ride.
“This was my favorite ride,” wrote one commenter.
“No!!!!! We are all sad over here.,” said another. “So many laughs with my kids on that.”
Some thought it was time for the ride to go anyway.
“It looked pretty old and rotted,” said one person.
If you want to experience the ride, watch this first person POV video of the ride on the Adventureland YouTube page below.
Video: YouTube.
The park promised that something new would be announced soon. Their website also promised a new ride coming this spring.
While you wait for the news on the new ride when Adventureland reopens again in 2024, why not check out our story: Crazy Facts About Adventureland.