Long Island Elected Officials Address NY's Housing Crisis Following Governor Hochul's Patchogue Visit
Governor Kathy Hochul last week toured Patchogue in Suffolk County, Long Island with local leaders and elected officials to highlight key components of the New York Housing Compact -- the Governor's strategy announced in the Fiscal Year 2024 Executive Budget to address New York's housing crisis and build 800,000 new homes in the next decade. Advocates voiced broad support for the Governor's vision to make New York more livable, more accessible, and more affordable.
Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone said, "Long Island is well positioned for sustainable economic growth that will help protect property values and curb tax increases, thanks to the Governor's investment in our region's transportation and innovation assets. The single greatest threat to this economic prosperity is the housing crisis and I applaud Governor Hochul for taking this issue head on. The Governor has put forward a plan that will incentivize local municipalities to work closely with the state to address an issue that is critical to our economic future."
Village of Patchogue Mayor Paul Pontieri said, "Housing costs are issues many Long Islanders face. Here in Patchogue, we have done a lot to address the housing crisis on Long Island and have built mixed-use workforce housing so that our young adults and seniors can stay here while participating in our local economy. I had the pleasure to show the Governor how density and design go hand-in-hand and look forward to working with her administration in making sure our communities are able to address the housing crisis with the tools they need to implement change."
Co-Chair of LIREDC John Nadler said, "The region's lack of affordable housing has severely hampered the College's ability to recruit and retain talent. Addressing this housing shortage is vital to the future success of the College and Long Island."
Co-Chair of LIREDC Linda Armyn said, "I applaud Governor Hochul for elevating housing availability as a critical component for New York States continued economic growth."
President of Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW John Durso said, "We are encouraged by Governor Kathy Hochul's commitment to addressing this multi-generational housing problem. We look forward to working with her and the other stakeholders on Long Island to address this critical issue facing our region."
President of the Building and Construction Trades Council of Nassau and Suffolk Counites Matthew Aracich said, "Long Island's real estate market is completely lopsided. I applaud the Governor's stance on attempting to tackle this issue, so we can move forward and address the housing needs in both counties."
Executive Director of Long Island Housing Services, Inc., Ian Wilder said, "Governor Hochul deserves credit for standing up to propose a vision to address Long Island's lack of housing - especially affordable housing. Without a plan, Long Island -- especially our economy -- will continue to be hollowed out because of a dearth of places to live. Even opponents of details of the Governor's Housing Compact agree that we have a crisis. Yet after all this time, those opponents have failed to provide an alternative roadmap. This is why we continue to support the Housing Compact as a pro-home, pro-Long Island toolbox to move beyond the rhetoric to reach solutions."
Executive Director of Housing Help Inc., Pilar Moya-Mancera said, "The Housing Compact Plan is an excellent opportunity to address the housing needs of young adults, senior citizens, disabled individuals, the hard-working class, and the essential workers who are the backbone of our economy. It is long overdue that we start investing in the current and future success of the Long Island community. Moreover, the Housing Compact Plan is an incredible opportunity to usher in a new era on Long Island for desegregation. It is morally unacceptable that in 2023 we live in a region where the zip code you come from determines your life expectancy, quality of education, health, and quality of life."
President and CEO of Community Development Corporation of Long Island Gwen O'Shea said, "We commend the Governor on attempting to tackle entrenched barriers that have prevented home and economic opportunities for so many. We believe refinements can further intended outcomes, such as rewarding pioneering communities (like the Villages of Hempstead and Patchogue) and incentivizing the growth targets with increased funding to local governments to address their specific concerns related to environmental protections and infrastructure capacity."
CEO of Health and Welfare Council of Long Island Rebecca Sanin said, "Long Island's lack of attainable and affordable housing impacts competitive employment, public health, safety and retention of young professionals who attend our schools of excellence but need affordability in order to stay locally in their communities. The lack of safe, affordable housing on Long Island is a top economic and social issue impeding our progress as a region, stymieing family well-being and preventing America's first suburb from being a destination for investment and innovation. A combination of resources, infrastructure and incentives are sorely needed so that individual communities can effectively plan to meet their needs and potential and be attractive communities for future generations to live, work and raise their families on Long Island."
President of Huntington Township Housing Hunter Gross said, "I'm proud to support Governor Hochul's NYS Housing Compact. We can't continue to have middle-class families, young professionals and aging residents of all races shut out of the housing market. This plan will tackle restrictive zoning, while working with localities to decide what housing makes sense for their community. Truly a no brainer for Long Island's economy."
Long Island Builders Institute Mike Florio said, "The Governor rightfully recognizes that the status quo will not solve the housing crisis we all know exists. By providing resources and incentives and working together to understand the unique needs of each community, we can develop a transformational plan that benefits Long Islanders now and for future generations."
Vice President, State Programs for Regional Plan Association Melissa Kaplan-Macey said, "RPA is proud to support Governor Hochul's New York Housing Compact proposal. While no one strategy is the silver bullet that will address the housing needs in our state, one thing is very clear - in order to meet our housing challenge, we must allow more homes to be built. We have to work collaboratively to solve our housing supply problem at all levels of government--to both address our current housing crisis and allow for future growth."
Senior Program Officer of Long Island Community Foundation Sol Marie Alfonso-Jones said, "Long Island is a dynamic region with tremendous assets. But we haven't kept pace with the housing needs. Our lack of quality affordable housing continues to be a primary impediment to quality of life for our residents, workers, and business owners. We are grateful for the forward-thinking municipal leaders that have created innovative housing options to meet the needs of our diverse populace. We applaud Governor Hochul's commitment to support all Long Island municipalities to create inclusive homes that will ensure our region remains a beautiful vibrant place where all can enjoy a good quality of life."
President and CEO of HIA-LI Terri Alessi-Miceli said, "HIA-LI is delighted that Governor Hochul recognizes that the future of the Long Island economy depends on expanded housing availability - especially to help keep young professionals living and working here in the bi-county region. One of Long Island's most prominent business advocacy organizations and steward of the Long Island Innovation Park at Hauppauge. "The New York Housing Compact is a novel approach that, with local input, can help safeguard the suburban character of our communities."
Founder and President of Minority Millennials, Inc., Dan Lloyd said, "Minority Millennials support Governor Hochul's housing compact vision, one that boldly addresses our region's urgent housing crisis and works to ensure that Long Island's next generation has the opportunity to raise their families on Long Island while affording to pursue the American Dream. We appreciate that the plan empowers local governments to choose solutions that are tailor-made for their communities with funding, planning, and administrative support from the state. This is a unique moment for regional leaders to work on new solutions to a very old problem: housing."
East End YIMBY Michael Daly said, "Parents, essential workers, young professionals, business owners, seniors, and community leaders across Long Island agree that our antiquated model for creating affordable housing has failed our communities. We need a new approach. While there's room for improvements, the New York Housing Compact goals are reasonable and offer a series of tried and tested tools that have proven successful in cities and towns all over the United States. The incentives will allow and encourage each municipality to address their own housing needs in ways that benefit their local residents and businesses. We support the NY Housing Compact. We are excited to see what the next three years will bring to our beloved communities, and we are confident it will help build a brighter future for all Long Islanders."
President and Chief Executive Officer of EAC Network Neela Mukherjee Lockel said, "EAC Network applauds Governor Hochul acknowledging the severity of the housing crisis and taking action to address the issue. We acknowledge how severe the issue is, particularly here on Long Island, and are happy to see that this is a priority for the Governor."
President of ERASE Racism Laura Harding said, "Governor Kathy Hochul's
President Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc., Phil Andrews said, "Affordable housing on Long Island is one of Long Island's most pressing problems. We must address this issue in an urgent manner as this issue will drain the talent pool on Long Island, and negatively impact the region's economy in a negative manner."
Renter and Patchogue Resident, Tracy Todd Hunter said, "Affordable housing on Long Island is an urgent necessity. Our youth, seniors, single head of households, veterans, people with disabilities are in dire need of affordable domains. Currently graduating college students who are ready to join Long Island's workforce cannot rent an apartment or own a home due to the high costs of housing that doesn't align with their salaries. Their options are minimal. Either they live at home with their parents, seek out roommates or work multiple jobs in order to earn enough to maintain a roof over their head. Recently retired seniors have to think strategically as well. Many seniors continue to work well into their 70's because their choices are slighted, and they prefer not to give up their independence by selling a home that was the haven for family gatherings and where sentimental, lasting memories were made. Some have to move in with a child/relative or they have to move to a state where housing is cheaper and they're able to enjoy their golden years as opposed to worrying about not paying Peter in order to pay Paul. No senior should ever feel insecure and deal with stressors the likes of whether they're going to have a roof over their head after working all of their lives."