Jericho, NY - March 5, 2014 - “Purim in the Palace” is Chabad of Oyster Bay & Jericho’s creative twist this year on their traditional Purim party, to accommodate the anticipated crowds of men, women & children who throng Chabad for their annual Purim celebrations.
The grand Purim Bash will be held at The Viana Hotel, 3998 Brush Hollow Road in Westbury on Sunday, March 16th, at 4:00 pm. The celebration will begin with a unique Multimedia Megillah Reading, followed by live musical entertainment, Clown/Balloon artist, and a festive dinner.
This evening will also be a Seudat Hodaah (Feast of thanks to G-d) for the family of Rabbi Menachem Brownstein, after they emerged unharmed from their home that was damaged by fire.
In the spirit of Purim, come in costume to be included in the lively competition where judges will award prizes to contestants with the most innovative or funny costumes. All are welcome to join regardless of affiliation or background – due to limited seating, reservations are required. On Purim evening, Chabad's the place to be!
Cost: $12/adult, $8/child. Sponsor: $180.00
Purim celebrates the salvation of the Jewish people, in the Jewish year 3405 (356 bce), from Haman's plot "to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day." (Purim literally means "lots" for Haman determined the day of annihilation by throwing a lottery.) It is observed by public readings of the Megillah - "Scroll of Esther," sending food portions to friends, giving gifts of money to the poor, and enjoying a festive meal accompanied with joyous drink.
For more information on Chabad’s Purim festivities or on the holiday of Purim and its observances, contact Chabad at 516-922-6489 or log on to