
NYAGV Welcomes Introduction of Bipartisan Background Check Legislation

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  06. March 2015

New York, NY - March 4, 2015 - New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) welcomes the introduction of bipartisan legislation to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, domestic abusers, terrorists, and the seriously mentally ill. The King-Thompson bill (H.R.1217) was introduced today by Representative Mike Thompson (D-CA), Chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, and Representatives Peter King (R-NY), Kathleen Rice (D-NY), Bob Dold (R-IL), Elizabeth Esty (D-CT), Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Patrick Meehan (R-PA), and Bennie Thompson (D-MS). 
"We know that criminal background checks are effective in keeping guns out of the wrong hands," said Leah Gunn Barrett, NYAGV Executive Director. "New York has gone further than the Thompson-King bill and requires background checks on all gun sales including private sales. While New York has strong gun laws and a low gun death rate, until Congress acts to close the internet and gun show loophole for commercial gun sales, New York communities will continue to be flooded with illegal guns that kill and maim our citizens. We are grateful to Representatives King and Rice for their leadership and urge all members of the New York Congressional delegation to support this common sense bill because it will save lives."
King-Thompson will require background checks for private sales at gun shows, on the internet and through classified ads. "We know strong background checks work," added Barrett. "Background checks have shown to reduce by almost fifty percent incidents of women shot and killed by intimate partners, law enforcement deaths by handgun and suicides per capita."
Barrett concluded, "The National Rifle Association has aggressively and consistently obstructed legislation strengthening and extending background checks and I'm sure they will be fighting to block this common sense law as well. We hope Congress finally decides to ally itself with the American people, 92% of whom supports this legislation, and not with the corporate gun lobby that would rather see Americans continue to die needlessly."
New Yorkers Against Gun Violence is a statewide advocacy group working to reduce gun violence through advocacy and education designed to encourage action, influence public opinion and lead to policy change. With a primary focus on New York State, the organization also advocates at the local and national levels for sensible gun laws, policies and practices that protect New York State residents from gun violence. www.nyagv.org; Twitter: @NYAGV1; https://www.facebook.com/nyagv

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