Governor Hochul today announced $30 million is now available through the Empire Building Challenge: Hospitals program to support demonstration projects that showcase innovative pathways to achieving meaningful electrification retrofits that can be replicated and scaled at hospitals throughout the state. Today’s announcement will improve energy efficiency, lower operating costs and reduce emissions, making existing hospitals cleaner and healthier.
“New York State is leading the way forward with innovative solutions that tackle our energy challenges,” Governor Hochul said. “Hospitals are the cornerstones of our communities and this investment will drive efforts to make them cleaner, more efficient and safer for healthcare workers, patients and visitors as we work to electrify this critical sector of our economy.”
The Empire Building Challenge (EBC): Hospitals program, administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), provides funding to help hospitals overcome cost barriers and challenges to energy-saving investments while improving the resiliency of healthcare facilities. NYSERDA will award up to $5 million to selected hospitals for the construction and installation of scalable, efficient low-carbon solutions, such as electrification of building systems, electrification readiness projects, and comprehensive energy efficiency projects that will achieve significant energy and carbon reductions. Eligible facilities include licensed, existing in-patient hospitals primarily focused on delivering acute, short-term medical and surgical care for patients, including diagnosis, treatment and inpatient housing.
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority President and CEO Doreen M. Harris said, “Governor Hochul is taking bold steps to improve the health of New Yorkers through cleaner buildings across the state. Investing in scalable, energy efficient solutions that can be replicated at hospitals in New York, and nationwide, will not only lower their environmental impact but help to create more sustainable and resilient communities.”
Hospitals not only provide direct medical care but also actively offer programs and initiatives to improve the overall health and well-being of surrounding communities. The program will prioritize projects at hospitals located in disadvantaged communities to ensure the communities benefit from the positive impacts of the clean energy and resiliency solutions supported by the program. Additionally, selected proposers may also be eligible for up to $50,000 to support operation and maintenance training on new equipment and building systems installed as part of their project. Training award amounts are based on the number of trainees and to be eligible for the maximum of $50,000, a minimum of eight building operators must be trained.
Proposals are due by August 14, 2025, by 3:00 p.m. ET. A complete list of all eligibility rules and evaluation criteria can be found in the solicitation summary on NYSERDA’s website.
NYSERDA will host an informational webinar on March 18 at 2 p.m. ET to provide more details on the solicitation, project requirements and the application process. Interested proposers can contact for more information.
State Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald said, “Hospitals are one the most important staples in communities, and patients, their loved ones, and health care workers deserve modern, clean, and environmentally safe spaces. I thank Governor Hochul for her commitment to enhancing and investing in health care facilities to protect the health of New Yorkers.”
State Senator Kevin Parker said, “Hospital facilities are critical to providing health care services to our local communities in New York State. As we decarbonize our economy, we must support critical facilities as they transition to clean energy solutions and make sure our building systems are contributing to the health and environment for all New Yorkers.”
Assemblymember Didi Barrett said, “Our hospitals provide vital services for New Yorkers, and it is critical that we provide them with the resources they need to reduce their carbon footprint. I encourage hospitals across New York State to take advantage of this opportunity.”
Assemblymember Amy Paulin said, “I thank NYSERDA for their foresight and proactivity in helping New York’s hospitals become cleaner and greener.”
Healthcare Association of New York State President Bea Grause, RN, JD, said, “HANYS thanks Gov. Hochul for her continued commitment to supporting the modernization of hospitals across New York. The Empire Building Challenge: Hospitals program will provide resources essential to hospitals’ mission of ever innovating and improving health in their communities. We look forward to seeing these projects move forward and be replicated.”
Greater New York Hospital Association Special Counsel Susan C. Waltman said, “Greater New York Hospital Association and its members greatly appreciate New York State’s support of hospital efforts to implement electrification upgrades. GNYHA members have long worked to reduce their energy usage and emissions, notwithstanding the unique regulatory, financial, and patient care challenges they face. New York State’s Empire Building Challenge aimed at projects that can be replicated by hospitals throughout the State is therefore a very welcomed program.”
Today’s launch of Empire Building Challenge: Hospitals program is an extension of the State’s $50 million Empire Building Challenge, an initiative that supports and demonstrates replicable, economically feasible and scalable low carbon retrofit approaches in large existing buildings. The program was launched in 2020 to establish partnerships between NYSERDA and leading real estate owners with the ability to publicly commit to decarbonizing their buildings and portfolios. The program has since expanded to fund projects that demonstrate different decarbonization pathways for multifamily and commercial buildings. As of summer 2024, the challenge has unlocked more than $140 million in private investment from real estate partners, who have pledged to decarbonize more than 128 million square feet of commercial and multifamily real estate. Additional information on the program’s projects can be found here.
The Empire Building Challenge programs advance Governor Hochul’s commitment to decarbonize buildings, which are one of the most significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions in New York State. Through NYSERDA and utility programs, more than $5.6 billion has been invested to decarbonize buildings and support high-efficiency all-electric heating and cooling technologies.
This program is funded through the State's Clean Energy Fund and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
New York State's Climate Agenda
New York State's climate agenda calls for an affordable and just transition to a clean energy economy that creates family-sustaining jobs, promotes economic growth through green investments, and directs a minimum of 35 percent of the benefits to disadvantaged communities. New York is advancing a suite of efforts to achieve an emissions-free economy by 2050, including in the energy, buildings, transportation, and waste sectors.