Nassau County Animal Abuse Registry 2015 Update
Nassau, NY - March 13, 2015 - The Nassau County Animal Abuse Registry was created in 2014 by an act of the Nassau County Legislature, the registry is hosted by the Nassau County SPCA as a service to the public.
Anyone convicted of animal cruelty in Nassau County after May of 2014 is required to submit information to the Nassau County Police Department. That information is transmitted to Nassau County SPCA and posted here.
The registry is not retroactive. Convictions prior to the establishment of the registry will not be listed, therefore this is not a comprehensive historical list of all people convicted of animal abuse in Nassau County. The information listed here has been supplied by convicted offenders to the Nassau County Police Department and Nassau County SPCA does not guarantee accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained on the website.
Offenders are required to update their information annually. It is possible that information obtained through this website may not reflect current residences of individuals on the registry. Any individual who believes that information contained in the registry is not accurate should contact Nassau County SPCA. Offenders who need to update their own information must do so with the Nassau County Police Department
Anyone selling, giving away or adopting an animal to another person in Nassau County must check the registry prior to any change in ownership. Giving, selling or adopting an animal to a person on the registry is a violation of county law.