PSEG Long Island: Storm Update - March 14, 2017 9:30 p.m. ET

Thanks to PSEG Long Island’s dedicated crews, contractors and mutual aid support, only 2.2 percent (24,000) of PSEG Long Island’s more than 1.1 million customers were impacted by today’s extreme weather.

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The PSEG Long Island team will continue to work throughout the night to restore service to the 1,264 customers that are currently without power.

Photo by: Kelly T.

Uniondale, NY - March 14, 2017 - Thanks to PSEG Long Island’s dedicated crews, contractors and mutual aid support, only 2.2 percent (24,000) of PSEG Long Island’s more than 1.1 million customers were impacted by today’s extreme weather.

The PSEG Long Island team will continue to work throughout the night to restore service to the 1,264 customers that are currently without power:

  • Less than 5 customers out in the Rockaways
  • 254 customers out in Nassau County
  • 1,009 customers out in Suffolk County

Stay safe and informed during extreme weather:

  • Report outages and receive updates by calling PSEG Long Island’s 24-hour Electric Service line at 1-800-490-0075, checking our mobile-friendly outage map or texting OUT to PSEGLI (773454) once registered for MyAlerts.
  • Follow PSEG Long Island on Facebook and Twitter for updates before, during and after the storm. Remember, though, outages CANNOT be reported through social media
  • Downed wires should always be considered “live”. Do not approach or drive over a downed line and do not touch anything it might be in contact with. If a wire falls on or near your car, stay inside the car, call 911, and do not get out until PSEG Long Island deenergizes the line. If you MUST get out of the vehicle because it is on fire, jump as far as possible away from the vehicle, with both feet landing on the ground at the same time, and hop or shuffle away.