Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton Applauds Allocation of $2M in Additional State Funding for Nassau’s S.E.P.T.I.C. Program


“Ninety percent of Nassau County is sewered, and 90 percent of the 10 percent that is not sewered is found within the 11th Legislative District,” Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton said.

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The Nassau County Legislature has voted unanimously to appropriate an additional $2 million in New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation grant funds toward supporting Nassau County’s S.E.P.T.I.C. (Septic Environmental Program to Improve Cleanliness) program.
Since its launch in late 2020, the S.E.P.T.I.C. program has provided eligible Nassau County homeowners and small businesses that discharge less than 1,000 gallons a day of wastewater up to $20,000 in grants toward the installation of environmentally sound alternative wastewater treatment systems to replace existing systems that may be failing or otherwise outdated.
“Ninety percent of Nassau County is sewered, and 90 percent of the 10 percent that is not sewered is found within the 11th Legislative District,” Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton said. “Not only will this supplemental funding benefit thousands of north shore property owners, expanding the S.E.P.T.I.C. program will go a long way toward protecting our drinking water and safeguarding our precious natural resources from nitrogen pollution. I am committed to maximizing the positive impact of this endeavor, and I am proud to work alongside the tireless environmental advocates who are so committed to this cause.”
Applicants can visit www.nassaucountyny.gov/septicreplace for more details about how to apply for a S.E.P.T.I.C. grant and to review a list of provisionally approved manufacturers.