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Special Weather Statement issued March 20 at 5:29PM EDT by NWS Upton NY Areas of fog during this evening's commute may become locally dense, reducing visibilities to 1/4 mile or less at times. Motorists should use low beam headlights and remain alert for rapidly changing visibilities. Allow extra time to reach your destination.

SPCA: 81-Year-Old Lindenhurst Woman Charged with Forcing Her 13 Cats to Live in Filthy, Deplorable Conditions

The air in the home was so noxious with ammonia from urine, feces, mold, and mildew that it stung investigator's eyes and throats, making it difficult to breathe.

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Detectives from the Suffolk County SPCA charged a Lindenhurst woman with neglecting to maintain a sanitary environment for her 13 cats. 
Roy Gross, Chief of the Suffolk SPCA, said that its Detectives charged Carolyn L Rodriguez, 81, with multiple misdemeanor animal cruelty charges, alleging that Rodriguez failed to provide a habitable living environment to the animals in her home. On March 12, 2024 on or about 8:00 AM members of the Suffolk County SPCA, Suffolk County Police Department, and the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office executed a search warrant on Rodriguez’s Lindenhurst residence after receiving a complaint about the living conditions causing the animals distress.
Thirteen cats were recovered from the residence, some ungroomed and covered in urine. The air was so noxious with ammonia from urine, feces, mold, and mildew that it stung investigator's eyes and throats, making it difficult to breathe. 
The conditions inside were so unsanitary and dangerous that the Village of Lindenhurst Code Officials placarded the residence not fit for human occupancy.
Rodriguez was arrested on March 12th 2024 and released. She was due to appear at First District Court in Central Islip, on March 13, 2024.
Animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Suffolk County. If you witness any incident of animal cruelty or neglect in Suffolk County please contact the Suffolk County SPCA at (631) 382-7722. 
A criminal charge is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.