Mastic Beach, NY, - March 20, 2014 – The William Paca Middle School “Grow the Future Corps” (GTFC), a group of civic-minded sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students and teachers who gather monthly throughout the year for community service projects, recently put together care packages of “hot chocolate ice cream cones” and letters of encouragement to send to troops stationed overseas.
Together, the students assembled 50 packages of hot chocolate and marshmallows in the shape of an ice cream cone, each with a letter of encouragement and gratitude. After completion, they were sent to William Floyd graduate T.J. Mannix’s unit, the U.S. Army 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division stationed in Iraq.
This is the fifth straight year that the GTFC has made hot chocolate ice cream cones to send to troops serving overseas – the first three years they were sent to a GTFC sibling serving in the armed forces and last year to the “Blue Star Moms” for distribution.
Other projects that the GTFC participates in are the Great Brookhaven Town Clean-up, baking and delivering special treats to seniors at the Nutrition Center in Mastic Beach in time for the holidays, creating and donating special pictures to help cheer up sick children at local hospitals and more.
Student and teacher members of the William Paca Middle School “Grow the Future Corps” with their hot chocolate ice cream cones for troops stationed overseas.