Suffolk County Executive Romaine Announces Launch Of The Water Quality Grant Program

“This program is an effective tool in our ongoing work to clean and protect Suffolk County waters,” Romaine said.

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Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine. Photo Credit: Ed Romaine/Facebook

In honor of World Water Day, Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine announced today the Suffolk County Water Quality Protection and Restoration Program and Land Stewardship Initiatives, known as WQPRP, will accept applications for 2024 starting on April 1, 2024.
“This program is an effective tool in our ongoing work to clean and protect Suffolk County waters,” Romaine said. “It is unique in the way it brings Towns, Villages, and the not-for-profit environmental community together with the County to work on projects that make an impact locally and regionally.”  
WQPRP is a grant program funded under the Suffolk County ¼% Drinking Water Protection Program pursuant to Article XII of the Suffolk County Charter and uses 11.75% of the total revenues generated each calendar year under the ¼% Drinking Water Protection Program to provide grant funding to municipalities and non-profit organizations for projects to protect and restore the County’s groundwater and surface water resources. 
Municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, and Suffolk County Departments can apply for projects such as: 
  • Nonpoint Source Abatement and Control & Pollution Prevention Initiatives
  • Habitat Restoration, Reclamation, and Connectivity
  • Land Stewardship Initiatives
  • No-Discharge Zone Implementation
  • Education and Outreach 
Eligible projects must be recommended for funding by the WQPRP Review Committee and approved by the Suffolk County Legislature. 
Applications will be accepted through June 1, 2024. Applications from 2023 will be rolled over and considered along with any new applications that are received.
The launch of 2024 application process coincides with World Water Day, an annual day of observance recognized globally by the United Nations that raises awareness for clean water worldwide. 
For more information on the application process click here or contact