
Reps. LaLota and Courtney Named Co-Chairs of Bipartisan Long Island Sound Caucus

Written by Chris Boyle  |  24. March 2023

Today, March 24th, 2023, Reps. Nick LaLota (NY-01) and Joe Courtney (CT-02) were named Co-Chairs of the bipartisan Long Island Sound Caucus. The Caucus will focus on issues related to and impacting the Long Island Sound, including conservation, water, fishing, transportation, and energy.
“I am proud to partner with my colleague from across the Sound, Congressman Courtney, to lead the bipartisan Long Island Sound Caucus. Much has been accomplished before me, and yet much is left to be done. Protecting the Sound is not a partisan issue, it is an issue important to all Long Islanders,” said LaLota. “The Sound is a vital part of Suffolk County’s economy and unique culture. I was proud to have an amendment unanimously pass the House this year to protect Long Island’s waters from offshore drilling. As co-chair of this caucus, I will continue that work to protect the Sound’s water, fishing, and accessibility for generations to enjoy.”
“No one asks who you vote for when you’re out hiking the trails or fishing the streams of eastern Connecticut, and that’s because protecting our region’s natural heritage is an issue that transcends politics,” said Courtney. “Protecting eastern Connecticut’s environment and natural beauty is something I’m glad we’ve always found bipartisan support for. Congressman LaLota is a U.S. Navy veteran who I have been glad to serve with this year as a fellow member of the House Armed Services Committee, and I’m excited to combine our efforts to promote and protect the Long Island Sound—a natural treasure that our two districts share. We’re coming off the heels of some major wins last year for the Long Island Sound and for environmental preservation in our region at-large, and I’m ready to work together with Rep. LaLota and the rest of our bipartisan caucus to protect our natural heritage in eastern Connecticut and on the Long Island Sound.”

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