Harbor Country Day School Sends Positive Messages to COVID-19 Front Lines
After more than two weeks spent at home as a result of the COVID-19 school closure, students at Harbor Country Day School continued to remain fully engaged - academically and socially - through the school’s ‘distance learning’ platform. Leveraging the online conferencing website Zoom, alongside Google’s ‘Classroom’ app, students have managed, not only to continue learning, but also to come together in a unique and special way to recognize those on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic.
As part of their ‘distance learning’ co-curricular art instruction, teacher Amarilis Singh tasked students with the challenge of displaying gratitude and inspiring positivity through art. Leaning on Maya Angelou’s famous quote, ‘Be the rainbow in someone’s cloud,’ which the kindergarten class had been studying prior to the school closure, and paired with a musical selection from a recent school concert, the students’ work was created into a slideshow.
Harbor’s music teacher, Donna Siani, initially shared the slideshow with SUNY Stony Brook University’s Director of Community Relations, Joan Dickinson, to thank front line medical workers for their extraordinary efforts during the most unusual and frightening of times. Still, students at Harbor Country Day School recognize that there exist many others on the front lines and hope their message can be heard by all. To view, and share, this beautiful gesture from the students at Harbor Country, please visit: https://vimeo.com/402577169.