
Robert Frey to be Honored By Suffolk County Community College

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  04. April 2016

Huntington, NY - April 4th, 2016 - Suffolk County Community College graduate and proud alumnus Dr. Robert Frey, now a Research Professor and Director of the Program in Quantitative Finance in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Stony Brook University, will be honored by the Suffolk Community College Foundation’s Annual Salute to Excellence Gala for the generous support of The Frey Family Foundation and for his dedication and commitment to academic excellence.
Suffolk Community College Foundation’s Annual Salute to Excellence Gala 2016, Suffolk County Community College: The Bridge to Opportunity will be on Thursday, May 5, 2016 at the Hilton Long Island in Huntington. Tickets and information are available here.
"Suffolk County Community College is home to numerous opportunities waiting to be unlocked by curious students of all ages and all backgrounds from across our great county,” said Suffolk County Community College President Dr. Shaun L. McKay.
“Robert Frey, a class of '78 graduate and advocate for our institution, recognizes the value of our community college as a bridge to opportunity. We thank him for his work as the secretary on our Foundation Board and as an ‘education enabler’ through the Frey Family Foundation that has awarded more than $270,000 in mathematics scholarships,” McKay said.
“Dr. Robert Frey’s generous support and insightful guidance is transformational in the lives of Suffolk’s students,” said Sylvia A. Diaz, Ph.D., LMSW, executive director of the Suffolk Community College Foundation.  “We are most grateful that he and his family are committed to ensuring that New York’s largest and most comprehensive community college serves as a bridge to opportunity where our neighbors grow and learn in a student-centered environment that develops our regional workforce and provides promise for the next generation of Suffolk’s leaders.”
Dr. Frey holds a joint appointment in the Stony Brook University's Business School and is the President of the University's Research Center for High Frequency Finance. He has been an adjunct professor and chair of the advisory board for the Program on Financial Mathematics at the University of Chicago and currently serves as CEO of FQS Capital Partners, Ltd., an investment management firm based in New York and London, and CEO of Harbor Financial Management, his family office.
His public service and charitable activities include service on the Boards of the Guardian Angels, Hope House Ministries, the Museum of Mathematics, the Stony Brook Foundation, and the Suffolk Community College Foundation.
Dr. Frey lives in Port Jefferson with his wife Kathryn and children, Michael and Megan.

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