
Suffolk County and New York State Officials Congratulate Jack Esposito, Smithtown Troop 565, on Becoming an Eagle Scout

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  15. April 2015

Smithtown, NY - April 14, 2015 - Suffolk County Legislators Robert Trotta and Lesley Kennedy, County Comptroller John Kennedy, and Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick recognized John “Jack” Esposito for achieving the esteemed rank of Eagle Scout at his recent Court of Honor.

For his Eagle Scout Community Service Project, Jack designed, built and installed an outdoor memorial to encase a piece of steel from the World Trade Center at the Town of Brookhaven Volunteer Firefighters’ Museum. The memorial will serve as a permanent remembrance of all the lives lost on September 11, 2001. This project was very meaningful to Jack, whose Father and Uncle are both firefighters in the New York City Fire Department, as well as Eagle Scouts.

“Jack has demonstrated he is capable of responsibility and leadership by completing the tasks necessary to become an Eagle Scout. He achieved this distinction and award prior to the age of 18 and this accomplishment is one that he will have for the rest of his life. He is an inspiration to others,” said Suffolk County Legislator Robert Trotta.

Pictured at the Eagle Scout Court of Honor are from left: Nancy and John Esposito, parents of the Eagle Scout, Suffolk County Comptroller John Kennedy, Eagle Scout Jack Esposito, and Suffolk County Legislators Robert Trotta and Leslie Kennedy.


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