Legislator Anker Joins Harbor Advisory for Annual Beach Cleanup


On April 18, 2015, Legislator Sarah Anker joined members of the Mount Sinai Harbor Advisory Committee and local volunteers for the William Waltz Annual Cedar Beach Cleanup.

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Mount Sinai, NY - April 22, 2015 - On April 18, 2015, Legislator Sarah Anker joined members of the Mount Sinai Harbor Advisory Committee and local volunteers for the William Waltz Annual Cedar Beach Cleanup.

“I’d like to thank the Mount Sinai Harbor Advisory and the volunteers who spent their day lending a hand to the cleanup effort,” said Legislator Anker. “Mount Sinai Harbor is such a beautiful and important part of our local community and cleanup events such as this help ensure that the harbor is kept preserved.”

The Mount Sinai Harbor Advisory meets every spring for their annual cleanup, which is named after the committee’s founding organizer William Waltz.