
Governor Cuomo Announces $90 Million to Improve State Parks and Historic Sites Across the State

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  23. April 2014

Albany, NY - April 23, 2014 - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced New York State will advance 69 projects to improve and repair 53 State parks and historic sites. The projects are part of a $90 million statewide commitment funded in the 2014-15 State Budget, marking the third year of the New York Works initiative to revitalize New York’s State park system, which will help connect our residents to nature, support recreational and tourism opportunities and demonstrate responsible stewardship of our celebrated state park system.

“As we celebrate Earth Day, we continue to invest in our parks and historic sites statewide,” Governor Cuomo said. “New York is proud to have the nation’s oldest State park system, and we will continue to do all that we can to preserve and guard these natural resources so that they can be enjoyed for generations to come.”

Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Commissioner Rose Harvey said, “Not only will this investment continue to make much needed repairs in cherished State Parks large and small, the Governor’s 21st century transformation of our park system will enhance our environment, preserve our heritage, connect people with healthy, active outdoor recreation, and rev the engines of local economies.”

The initiative provides renewed stewardship of New York State’s flagship State Parks, which highlight the State’s most unique natural treasures and are significant tourism destinations. This year’s funding will launch a multi-year $65 million plan to restore the historic and aesthetic grandeur of Jones Beach State Park on the Long Island Coast; continue a $50 million revitalization of Niagara Falls State Park, the oldest State Park in the nation; and build a nature center at Letchworth State Park to enhance visits to the spectacular gorge known as “the Grand Canyon of the East.”

This is the third year of a sustained commitment to revitalize the State park system launched by Governor Cuomo’s New York Works program. The first two rounds of New York Works leveraged a $265 million investment in the park system, making improvements at 81 State parks and sites.

Senator Betty Little said, "It's fitting that we celebrate Earth Day by celebrating New York State's spectacular park system. These capital dollars are breathing new life into beloved state parks and historic sites, supporting tourism, and helping improve the quality of life in communities across the state."

Assemblywoman Margaret Markey said, “All New Yorkers will be delighted to see this continuing investment in our public parks and historic sites. I am proud we in the Assembly have helped insure that Governor Cuomo’s New York Works program continues to improve and revitalize our precious natural treasures and recreational resources.”

“Thanks to Governor Cuomo and the legislature, New York's state parks are benefiting from one of the greatest periods of investment in their history,” said Erik Kulleseid, executive director of the Open Space Institute’s Alliance for New York State Parks.  “On behalf of the more than 60 million people who visit state parks each year, we are grateful for the sustained commitment to a fully‐restored, vibrant and inviting state park system.”

The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation oversees 179 state parks and 35 historic sites, which are visited by 60 million people annually. A recent study commissioned by Parks & Trails New York found that New York State Parks generates $1.9 billion in economic activity annually and supports 20,000 jobs. For more information on any of these recreation areas, call 518-474-0456 or visit www.nysparks.com, connect on Facebook, or follow on Twitter.

The 2014-15 projects are as follows:


Capital Region: $8.675 million for nine projects in five parks/sites



Cost Estimate

John Boyd Thacher State Park

Construct Flagship Visitor Center (Matched with Significant Private Fundraising), Featuring New Exhibits, Multi-Purpose Spaces for Gatherings, and Visitor Orientation Services.


Peebles Island State Park

Continue Historic Bleachery Building Stabilization and Restoration


Olana State Historic Site

Olana Historic Site Improvements (Carriage Barn Visitor Restrooms, Security System Upgrades, Climate Control Improvements, Tower Woodwork and Painting.)


Peebles Island State Park

Rehabilitate South Bridge (Red-Flagged) and Construct Waterline from Cohoes to Peebles Island


Saratoga Spa State Park

Gideon Putnam Hotel Projects, Including Rehabilitation of the Hotel’s Roof


Saratoga Spa State Park

Victoria Pool Area Improvements


Saratoga Spa State Park

Expand Bike Paths


Saratoga Spa State Park

Rehabilitate the Existing Geyser Creek Building to Serve as an Environmental Education Building


Harlem Valley Rail Trail

Construct 1.2-Mile Trail Extension, Copake Falls to Orphan Farm Road




Central New York: $5.2 million for five projects in one park



Cost Estimate

Green Lakes State Park

Rehabilitate Pine Wood Campground, Including Building Modern Family-Friendly Bathroom/Shower Facility, Updating Electric Service, and Improving Playground


Green Lakes State Park

Park Gateway Improvements, Including Construction of New Park Office, Park Entrance, Park Police Facility, and Creating Safer Traffic Flow


Green Lakes State Park

Improve Park Trails


Green Lakes State Park

Sewage Treatment System Improvements (Health and Safety Improvement)


Green Lakes State Park

Rehabilitate Golf Course Clubhouse and Pro Shop




Finger Lakes: $7.8 million for 10 projects in six parks/sites



Cost Estimate

Letchworth State Park

Construct New Nature Center (Matched With Significant Private Fundraising) to Educate Visitors about the Park’s Natural History and Environmental Resources


Sampson State Park

Construct 16 Full Service Rental Cottages, With Bathrooms, Kitchenettes and Views of Seneca Lake


Hamlin Beach State Park

Yanty Marsh Area Improvements, Including New Picnic Area, Boat Launch and Nature Trail


Letchworth State Park

Reconstruct Castile Park Entrance


Ganondagan State Historic Site

Landscaping and Site Work for New Seneca Art & Education Center (Matched with Significant Private Fundraising)


Letchworth State Park

Rehabilitate Historic Stone Masonry Trails and Stairs (Phase 1)


Letchworth State Park

Park Roadway Repair & Resurfacing


Genesee Valley Greenway

Greenway Trail Improvements


Letchworth State Park

Bridge and Road Repairs


Sonnenberg Gardens State Historic Site

Event Space Improvements




Long Island: $25.58 million for 11 projects in 11 parks



Cost Estimate

Jones Beach State Park

First Year of Comprehensive Jones Beach Revitalization Initiative


Robert Moses State Park

Rehabilitate Field 5 Swimming Beach Bathhouse


Robert Moses State Park

Replace the Park's Drinking Water Treatment Plant (Health and Safety Improvement)


Hallock State Park Preserve

Construct Visitor Center, “Green” Parking Area, and Access Road and Trails to Provide Public Access to Undeveloped Park (Matched with Significant Private Fundraising)


Multiple Parks

Replace Non-Compliant Cesspools in Belmont, Heckscher, Sunken Meadow, Robert Moses and Wildwood State Parks (Health and Safety Improvements)


Hempstead Lake State Park

Park Improvements Plan


Belmont Lake State Park

Install Energy Efficient HVAC Controls in the Administration Building


Bethpage State Park

Improve Energy Efficiency of the Clubhouse's HVAC System


Orient Beach State Park

Replace Failing Drinking Water Line (Health and Safety Improvement)


Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park

Construct "Green" Parking Area


Multiple Parks

Tree Planting To Replace Trees Destroyed by Hurricane Sandy




Mid Hudson: $6.27 million for nine projects in eight parks/sites



Cost Estimate

Rockland Lake State Park

Rehabilitate the North Swimming Pool Bathhouse


Harriman State Park

Continue Renovation Of Children's Group Camps


FDR State Park

Rehabilitate Swimming Pool Bathhouse & Entry Plaza


James Baird State Park

Install Golf Course Irrigation System to Improve Playing Conditions


Fahnestock State Park

Continue Improvement of the Canopus Lake Welcome Center


James Baird State Park

Park Drinking Water System Improvements (Health and Safety Improvement)


Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site

Repair Stone Retaining Wall & Stairs


Mills-Norrie State Park

Hoyt House Historic Preservation Improvements


Staatsburgh State Historic Site

Upgrade Basement Electrical System (Health and Safety Improvement)




Mohawk Valley: $4.645 million for four projects in four parks/sites



Cost Estimate

Delta Lake State Park

Upgrade the Campground's Water And Electric Systems (Health and Safety Improvement)


Hyde Hall State Historic Site

Upgrade Electric And Install Fire Detection/Security System (Health and Safety Improvement)


Hudson-Mohawk Trailway

Replace Otsquago Creek Bridge in Fort Plain on the Erie Canal Trail (Destroyed by 2013 Flood)


Erie Canalway Trail

Construct 4.6 Miles of Trail to Help Close Gap Between Amsterdam to Pattersonville (State Match of Federal Funds)




New York City: $1.95 million for four projects in two parks/sites



Cost Estimate

Riverbank State Park

Create Improved Park Setting at 145th Street Bridge and Park Entranceway


Roberto Clemente State Park

Begin Development of New Northern Synthetic Baseball and Football Field (Includes Design Costs)


Riverbank State Park

Replace Ice Rink Building Roof


Riverbank State Park

Replace Buckling Outdoor Basketball Courts




North Country: $4.935 million for eight projects in seven parks/sites.



Cost Estimate

Wellesley Island State Park

Replace Outdated Swimming Beach Concession Building, Restrooms and Picnic Pavilion


Wellesley Island State Park

Replace Electric System, Drinking Water System, and Roadways in the "F" Campground Area (Health and Safety Improvement)


Higley Flow State Park

Replace Aging, Outdated Swimming Beach Bathhouse


Pt. Au Roche State Park

Improve Boat Dock, Parking, and Mooring Area


Jacques Cartier State Park

Construct Recreational Vehicle Sewage Collection Station (Health and Safety Improvement)


Westcott Beach State Park

Upgrade Sewage Treatment System in Plateau Campground (Health and Safety Improvement)


Rock Island Lighthouse State Park

Historic Boat House Stabilization and Repairs


Black River Trail

Extend Black River Trail 1 Mile Toward Watertown. (State Match of Federal Funds)




Southern Tier: $8.25 million for four projects in four parks/sites



Cost Estimate

Watkins Glen State Park

Complete Redevelopment of Main and North Park Entrances to Improve Aesthetics, Traffic Flow, and Pedestrian Safety


Stony Brook State Park

Replace Failing Drinking Water System (Health and Safety Improvement)


Chenango Valley State Park

Repair and Resurface Park Roadways


Taughannock Falls State Park

Stonework and Masonry Repairs - Gorge and Rim Trails



Western New York: $19.2 million for eight projects in seven parks/sites



Cost Estimate

Niagara Falls State Park

Continue Niagara Falls Revitalization Initiative, including Landscape Plan Improvements at Terrapin Point and Construction of New Park Police Station


New State Park on Buffalo Waterfront

Construct New State Park Improvements, Including Comfort Station, Playground, Picnic Pavilions and Landscaping


Fort Niagara State Park

Replace Deteriorated Swimming Pool Bathhouse


Allegany State Park

Rehabilitate Deteriorated Camp Turner Group Camp Cabin Colony


Long Point State Park

Connect to Municipal Sewage System (Health and Safety Improvement)


Allegany State Park

Repair And Resurface Park Roadways


DeVeaux Woods State Park

Repair and Resurface Deteriorated Park Roads


Old Fort Niagara State Historic Site

Next Phase: Historic Fort Masonry Repair



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