After World War II, demand from returning soldiers to settle down and start their families in the suburbs created a boom in development. The Levitts famously (and sometimes infamously) capitalized on this and broke ground on the planned community of Levittown in 1947. In the late 1950s these photographers captured the development when it was still relatively fresh. We compared the three Levitt homes below with some Google street view images of what they look like now.
Levittown houses. Mrs. Robert Berman, residence at 3626 Regent Lane.
Photo: No known restrictions on publication. Gottscho-Schleisner, Inc., photographer. Created / Published. 1958 Aug. 28. [LC-DIG-gsc-5a25985 (digital file from original) LC-G613-72792 (b&w film neg.)]
Photo: Google Maps.
Levittown houses. Peg Brennan, residence at 25 Winding Lane.
Photo: No known restrictions on publication. Gottscho-Schleisner, Inc., photographer. Created / Published. 1958 Aug. 28. [LC-G613-72793 (b&w film neg.)]
Photo: Google Maps.
Levittown houses. Mrs. Rose Sagistano, residence at 3635 Regent Lane.
Photo: No known restrictions on publication. Gottscho-Schleisner, Inc., photographer. Created / Published. 1958 Aug. 28. [LC-G613-72796 (b&w film neg.)]
Photo: Google Maps.