
Suffolk Legislature Approves Measaure To Require Continuing Education For Electrical Licenses

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  28. April 2017

Suffolk County, NY - April 28, 2017 - The Suffolk County Legislature unanimously approved legislation that would require continuing education credits upon the renewal of all electrical licenses, at the April 25 General Meeting.
IR 1124, which was co-sponsored by Legislators Sarah Anker (6th District) and Bill Lindsay (8th District), aims to keep the industry current on evolving electrical technology and the expanding safety protocols within the National Electric Code. The law would apply to all master and restricted electrical licenses and electrical inspectors.
“To keep up with national and industry standards and practices it’s necessary to periodically require additional education of new and emerging technologies.” said Legislator Lindsay. “Continuing education credits are essential throughout various industries to ensure the highest quality of labor and safety for consumers and the hardworking men and women conducting the work.”
In response to the advancement of technology, periodic updates to the National Electric Code; as well as changes in municipal building codes and improvements to safety protocols, Legislators Lindsay and Anker had in depth conversations with the Suffolk County Electrical Licensing Board and industry leaders to craft a program that aims to protect consumers and improve safety within the electrical industry.
“Continuing education for electricians is vital to protecting the residents of Suffolk County,” said Legislator Sarah Anker, Chairwoman for the Suffolk County Seniors and Consumer Protection Committee. “Technological advancements and improvements in industry standards make it imperative that our electricians are trained to the highest capability. I look forward to continuing to work with the Electrical Licensing Board to ensure the utmost quality of electrical work throughout the county.”
The Suffolk County Electrical Licensing Board will establish the rules and regulations of the program and maintain a list of approved continuing education courses and programs – which will include at least five sources from which electricians can obtain the necessary credits. Applicants seeking to renew their master or restricted electrician’s license must submit proof of completion of the continuing education hours and/or credits required in the form of a certificate of completion or other documentation acceptable to the Commissioner. Education credits can be obtained through online or in person classes.
The Suffolk County Licensing Board and the Suffolk County Commissioner of Labor will begin crafting the program, finalize the rules and regulations; and pick the qualified continuing education programs immediately after the legislation is filed with the New York State Secretary of State. The program will apply to license renewals as early as May 2019.

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